Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is China being Imperialistic?

For this blog post, I decided to read about one of the most colonized continents in the world, Africa. I found an article on the British Broadcasting Corporation entitled Should Africa Embrace China? which was written and formed from a collaboration of readers who voice their opinions about the topic. This article focused on the new presence China has in Africa. China is now moving their goods through Africa as well as building them stadiums and railroads. Also, Chinese soldiers are credited with helping to keep the peace in Liberia. Europeans and Americans have begun to question the honesty of China's purposes and whether or not they can help Africa grow economically. Personally, I think that if the countries of Africa want China to help them then they should. If they have decided that they want to embrace the East, they should but also they should be aware of the possible dangers. I'm not personally convinced China has good intentions. I really don't have any facts to back this up but I think they could simply be after the natural resources Africa possesses. 

"Should Africa Embrace China?" British Broadcasting Corporation. 4 March 2005 .

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