Monday, February 16, 2009

A Man's Belief in God

As I was thinking about where to find a good article on belief, I realized what better place to find one than in the Catholic Spirit newspaper. The article I read was called Faith Leads Stranded Hiker out of Ravine, written by Dave Hrbacek. This was a great article that illustrated the strength of one man's faith in God. Johh Nesheim was taking a regular afternoon walk when he was abruptly faced with death. He went off trail seeking more exercise when he fell into a ravine, spraining his ankle making it nearly impossible for him to escape. He was trapped in the ravine for two days suffering frostbite on both is hands and his feet. While trapped, he was convinced he was going to die and he focused on his faith and the meaning of his life. On the morning of the third day, he felt a special calling from God, giving him the strength to pull himself to safety. John was saved through his faith. I think faith is a very profound idea. It is amazing to me the strength people have when they believe in their God or have faith in someone. In John's case, his faith saved his life and he gives full credit for his lively hood today to God. I think faith means something a little different to everyone but it is very important for each person to have.
Hrbacek, Dave. "Faith leads stranded hiker out of ravine." The Catholic Spirit 12 Feb. 2009: A6

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