Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gender Roles

Since currently I'm reading the story Breaking Dawn, written by Stephenie Meyer, I thought it would be relevant to blog about gender roles. Throughout the book, the roles each character plays is directly related to their gender. Bella, one of the main characters, is portrayed as the damsel in distress that needs to be saved constantly by her boyfriend, Edward. She often gets herself into risky situations and is eventually saved by a male character. Edward is a vampire with unbelievable strength and he is the one Bella turns to when she is in trouble. Another prominent male character is Jacob, who is fittingly a werewolf. He also has unbeatable speed and strength. Particularly in this book, the male characters are stressed to be much stronger than the women and resemble super heroes. I think this stereotype is very prominent in our world today and despite all the advances women have made, I think a male is still viewed as more valuable. Generally, a male is expected to play the role of head of the household and to be the main breadwinner for a family. 
Meyer, Stephenie. Breaking Dawn. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008. 

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