Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Since I finished my book last week, I was able to resume Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer, which I had put on hold for the last couple of weeks. This week I was able to read again about the fantasy land of vampires and werewolves. In my most recent reading, I read about Bella's pregnancy and all of it's complications. Bella seemed to be pregnant with a vampire which was basically killing her because it is so much stronger than she is. Several of her ribs were broken and she experience extreme fatigue. A major question that was being asked by those around her was "is it right to kill the baby, which seems to be killing Bella?" I personally am not really for taking the life of the unborn but since it seemed to be killing Bella and since no one was sure it would even be safe to have a baby vampire living, I think that they should kill it. I realize that sounds really horrible but from what it sounds like, it doesn't sound like Bella would be able to live if they didn't. 

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