Thursday, October 2, 2008

For this week's reading assignment, I read the a couple chapters in the novel I'm reading. Currently, I'm reading New Moon, written by Stephenie Meyer. It is the second book in the Twilight that I began reading this summer. The most recent part of the book I read was about Bella, the main character trying to figure out how to keep herself distracted enough so that she won't think about Edward. (Edward is the boy/vampire that she is in love with but cannot be with). She had been spending lots of time with Jacob, her new best and really only friend. Her real intentions for being with him is to do dangerous things that might provoke Edward to talk to her. In the last chapter I read, Bella and Jacob had decided to take out their dirt bikes (which they had been working on for a while) and they had a lot of fun learning how to ride them. With all the excitement of their new bikes, Bella got a little too excited and fell off hers and got hurt.  

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